Our mission is to protect life.

As many of you know, we have family in Southern Ukraine, an area currently overrun by the Russian army and under Russian control. Many of you have watched with horror news coverage of attacks of the Russian army on civilians and the atrocities committed by the invading army.  Our family members are among the many civilians in Ukraine rising up to fight the aggression.  We know first-hand that as people from all walks of life make the sacrifice to fight for their country, they do so without the equipment they need.  Despite the worldwide effort to arm the Ukrainian military, ordinary citizens fighting in their villages and cities, taking on the role of militia to defend their homes, do so often without equipment they need.

We have been working to supply the ordinary citizens of the Ukraine with the tools they need to help them survive this brutality of Russian aggression.  Using supply chains within the US, we have secured equipment to help these ordinary people survive the brutal effects of the war.  So far we have been able to secure and send:

So far we have been able to secure and send:
  • Military individual first aid kits (IFAK)- combat first aid kits specifically designed to address gunshot and blast injury, and dramatically improving the survivability of those injuries
  • Hydration packs, canteens, and water treatment equipment to allow them to convert fresh water into drinkable water and prevent dehydration
  • Combat entrenching shovels (e-tools) – an easy to carry shovel used by soldiers to dig trenches. This simple tool provides the means for the civilian soldiers to survive on the ground, and they have told us that every e-tool will save a life.
  • Meals ready to eat (MRE) – food that is easily saved and transported
  • Sleeping bags - civilians on the front lines were sharing sleeping bags and sleeping in shifts before we were able to get these to them
  • Boots and socks which are waterproof and protect feet in the mud and cold
  • Ballistic glasses for eye protection
    We are a small group which is able to get this directly to the civilians called to defend Ukraine.  We have an all-volunteer network in the US, Poland and Ukraine. We obtain supplies in the US, ship to our colleagues in Poland, and our family trucks the equipment and food directly to these citizen soldiers, former neighbors, teachers, farmers and office workers in Ukraine. We ask them what they need to survive and then fill their orders and direct requests. This equipment is then supplied and put immediately to use in the fight.


    We have created this web site for you – should you wish to donate to facilitate this work. If you would like to contribute, your funds will be used directly to equip those who never expected to be on the front line.  We are all volunteer – here in the USA, in Poland and in Ukraine. Your generous donations will enable us to get these materials and supplies directly to those that so desperately need them.  Please be advised that, as our governing documents confirm, we do NOT supply any weapons; however, the life-saving products, tools and equipment we do supply support the military of Ukraine.  Although we are a formally established, non-profit corporation, organized and existing pursuant to the New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation Act, and are thus legally obligated to adhere to the laws and regulations pertaining to nonprofit corporations with respect to, among other things, utilizing the money and assets obtained through your donations, at the present time, we are NOT recognized as being a tax exempt organization pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.  Consequently, at the present time, donations made may NOT be treated as tax deductible by the donors.  In the event that we do, in the future, obtain tax exempt Section 501(c)(3) status, we will promptly make that clear on our website and we will make all reasonable efforts to notify any donors, who voluntarily provided contact information to us at the time of making their donations, whose past donations may be tax deductible pursuant to any then-effective and applicable relation-back provisions of the IRS.  Regardless of the tax treatment of your donation, please know, and be assured, that your donation will be used to save lives in Ukraine.   
Please help us send more supplies to Ukraine.

Please help us send more supplies to Ukraine.


Слава Україні (slava Ukrainian) Glory to Ukraine